About Us | Corcoran Neighborhood Organization


The Corcoran Neighborhood is situated in the heart of south Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is bounded by East Lake Street to the north, East 36th Street to the south, Hiawatha Avenue to the east, and Cedar Avenue to the west. Learn more about neighborhood demographics.

Corcoran neighborhood

The Corcoran Neighborhood Organization was established in 1975 around a grassroots effort by neighborhood residents to establish Corcoran Park on the site of a closed school. Building on this victory, CNO has continued to unite and equip neighbors to improve and protect the neighborhood. CNO is a non-partisan information source, spokesperson, and advocate for the community on civic affairs, and strives to engage community members on issues that may have a positive or negative impact on the community.

Mission: We unite neighbors to strengthen our community.
Vision: We envision our community as a place that fosters leadership, engagement, and a sense of belonging.

Everyone is welcome to attend CNO meetings and events and Corcoran residents are eligible and encouraged to become members (visit the CNO office at 3451 Cedar Ave S to become a member). Resident participants of CNO programs make recommendations to the CNO Board, a group of volunteers elected from the neighborhood. At its monthly meetings the Board reviews and votes on these recommendations and thus determines policy for the organization. CNO staff cannot vote or serve as members of CNO committees or the board. Board elections are held at the May General Membership meeting. View the CNO Executive Board listing. View the CNO bylaws.

Current CNO programs

Mujeres en Accion y Poder (MAP) women’s empowerment groups bring Latina/o families into the life and leadership of the Corcoran, Powderhorn Park, and Standish neighborhoods. Learn more.

Midtown Farmers Market connects the diverse residents of south Minneapolis to rural food producers in a mutually beneficial economic and cultural exchange, serving and welcoming participation from residents of the Twin Cities metro area. Learn more.

Land Use and Housing Committee works to improve and protect the built environment and engage the whole neighborhood in important issues and decisions.
Public Art programming engages residents of all ages and abilities to co-design and install pavement murals and other permanent public art installations.

The Corcoran News is an English/Spanish monthly newspaper written, edited, and delivered to every household by neighborhood residents since 1985.

See also  Priorities & Strategic Plan - Corcoran Neighborhood Organization


CNO Strategic Plan (approved by the CNO board in May 2012)

1. Strengthen organizational resiliency by building staff capacity.

2. Secure sources of funding for Corcoran Neighborhood Organization that support the organization in achieving its organizational vision.

3. Strengthen the diverse richness of the area through place-making and the engagement of people.

4. Pursue and strengthen partnerships to better serve the community.
Determine primary criteria for partnerships and identify potential partners (outside of SUN partnership).

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A forest of fruit trees or youth-run community garden could soon be growing in a Minneapolis Park near you. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is considering these opportunities with a proposed Urban Agriculture Activity Plan.
“Urban agriculture is an important way to enhance food security for underserved neighborhoods and improve access to health for residents throughout Minneapolis,” shares Russ Henry, an advocate for the plan. “The MPRB Urban Ag Activity Plan, if adopted will give neighbors access to more tools, resources, and knowledge that will empower Minneapolis residents to grow health and sustainability in their neighborhoods.”

Review that plan, and share your support or comments! http://www.minneapolisparks.org/default.asp?PageID=1399

The park system has developed a draft plan to better support the community’s diverse activities and interest in urban agriculture. The plan was developed through an extensive community engagement process and contains recommendations related to policy, facility, program, and service improvements. Goa…

Please come out to the December Committee Meeting on Land Use and Housing topics in Corcoran Neighborhood.
Date: Tuesday (tomorrow) Dec 10
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Location: CNO’s Office (3451 Cedar Ave S)

We’ll be focusing on priorities and goals for 2014, as well as reflecting on what went well this past year. We can start this conversation by reviewing draft “work outputs” from CNO’s FY2014 budget proposal.

Additional agenda items include:
– Russ Henry will briefly explain and solicit feedback about the Park Board’s Urban Agriculture Activity Plan
– Proposed landscape improvements along Hiawatha Avenue by Hennepin County.
– Review key outcomes and learnings from CNO’s multifamily housing work (Vivienda project).
– Update on Corcoran home mini-grant for exterior and energy efficiency improvements: 6 households have already completed application process, and 12 households have expressed interest.

See also  About the Neighborhood - Corcoran Neighborhood Organization

Hope to see you in attendance tomorrow starting at 6:00pm!

Good news, Hennepin County Library fans: starting in 2014, the East Lake branch will be open 7 days a week!

Be careful out there!

Hold tight to those steering wheels and go easy on the accelerators

Have you heard the good news? The Midtown Farmers Market received a Homegrown Heroes Award last night from Homegrown Minneapolis for its work in the community promoting local foods and food justice! Thanks to all who support the Market and have made it a success over the past 11 years, this award is for everyone involved!

In the December Corcoran News: what are your hopes for our neighborhood in the coming year? What could be improved? Comment below to share your thoughts or click here to send privately: https://corcoranneighborhood.org/about/membership/

Day 3 begins at 8 am:

After a street is fully plowed, feel free to park there, even if Snow Emergency parking rules are still in effect. Fully plowed means the street is completely cleared and plowed as wide as possible. Plows may come through more than once, so make sure that it is fully plowed as wide as possible befor…

A Minneapolis Snow Emergency has been called. Do not park on either side of Snow Emergency routes from 9 pm tonight through 8 am tomorrow. Not sure whether the street is a snow emergency route? Check the street sign: if the street name is on a blue sign with white wording, it’s a snow emergency.

REMINDER: Open House with Hennepin County Government tonight to discuss proposals for landscape improvements to Hiawatha Avenue. 6:30-7:30pm tonight at Corcoran Park.
If you can’t make it we’ll be posting notes from the meeting later this week!

From Minneapolis Snow Emergency: “We currently have 35 crews out plowing and treating city streets. Please drive safe, stay clear of the plows and stay tuned for any updates.” http://www.minneapolismn.gov/snow/index.htm

Metro Transit is hoping to improve signage at transit stops — if you have ideas, please take this quick survey: http://ow.ly/rcOvP

Home Security Demonstration on Dec 9 with Minneapolis Police Department.

See also  Try It! Program for Entrepreneurs - Corcoran Neighborhood Organization

Since November 1, 2013 the Minneapolis Police Department has had 139 reported residential burglaries (including garages) in the 3rd Precinct. That’s a substantial increase from last year for the same time period (Nov. 1st – Nov. 25th), when the area had 59 reported burglaries.

Home burglary increases as the holiday season approaches. You go to a store to get your gifts; burglars may come to your home to do their shopping. Typically about 50% or more of the home burglaries are “unforced”; thieves enter through unlocked windows and doors.

Please considered attending a HOME SECURITY DEMONSTRATION hosted by Minneapolis Police Department. MPD will be teaching simple, relatively inexpensive ways to secure your home
and garage against burglars.

Date: Monday, December 9th
Time: 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Location: 3rd Police Precinct, 3000 Minnehaha Ave (at the corner of Lake St. and Minnehaha Ave.)

RSVP to CPS Don Greeley at 673-3482 or donald.greeley@minneapolismn.gov

Blue Tree Music Education’s student decorations herald the new season!

Who are you thankful for? We’re seeking nominations for the 2013 Volunteer of the Year Award. The Recognition Dinner is set for Wednesday, February 12.

Neighbors may be recognized for contributing to large-scale or small-scale events, gestures of goodwill, and other acts that benefit our community.

Give some shout outs in the comments space below, but also submit the nominee’s name, your name, and a brief statement explaining how the volunteer has contributed to the neighborhood to Elizabeth at info@corcoranneighborhood.org, or to 3451 Cedar Ave. S. You may also reach Elizabeth by phone: (612) 724-7457.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our neighbors!

Hennepin County is moving forward with a community-focused process to establish a comprehension plan to better integrate bike facilities in future projects and increase cycling throughout the County.

Take 5 minutes to share your insights as a cyclist and/or driver in Hennepin County with this online wiki-map

Wanted: your books! The annual CNO book sale fundraiser is coming up on January 11 and we’d love your used books (in good condition). Drop them off at our office on Cedar & 35th Street during office hours — and thank you!

Corcoran’s Book and Bake Sale is a well-loved tradition! Are you coming this year on Jan 11?

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Corcoran Neighborhood Organization | 3451 Cedar Ave South | Minneapolis, MN 55407 | 612.724.7457    

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